I have tried it all..and this is by far the best. I have always found it embarrasing to sit in the beauty shop to have a lip and chin wax so I have tried everything from nightly tweezing to the roll on hot wax, (what a mess that was)and to be honest I had little faith in this product when I bought it but was willing to try anything. I was really shocked at how perfectly it worked. Warming between your fingers for a minute is all you need...trim the excess plastic away from around the wax pocket. Be sure your skin is oil free and the hair is brushed all in one direction. Smooth on in the direction the hair is growing (and this should be the way you have brushed it). I smooth and smooth with my finger to be sure all the hair is coated, then hold your skin tight with one hand and quickly rip back in the opposite direction the hair grew, holding the strip as close to your skin as possible (meaning do not pull UP...pull BACK.) Does every bit as good a job as the beauty shop!! A fraction of the price and the convienence and privacy of your own home. The oil included is soothing and takes away any left over wax instantly. I honestly can't ever remember purchasing a product I was as happy with as this. If you can read and follow directions, this will be the best thing you have ever used!
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These strips work very well. I used them for my eyebrows and they removed every hair I wanted removed with ease. Of course it hurt a bit, but these strips use real wax so its not going to be pain-free and it doesn't claim to be. They are very easy to use, all you have to do is warm them in your hands for a few seconds and you are ready. They come in several different sizes and you may have to cut them down or in the shape you want, but that's easy enough to do. There is a finishing oil in the package that feels great and removes the wax residue instantly. If you want an easy way to wax at home, this is a great product!
Best Deals for Sally Hansen Wax Strip Kit Brow/Face/Bikni
I am fair-skinned and if I did not wax, I have dark, medium textured hair on my upper lip. I have been using this product for years and the only side effect I have experienced is occasional redness and of course discomfort at the moment I yank the wax strip off. The oil helps immensely to soothe the skin and get all the sticky stuff off. I apply the oil with a cotton swab and then finish with a tissue. I wax my upper lip only, and the box will last me for several months. I do have to use this weekly in order to keep my perimenopausal mustache under control. I can see on the strips that the hairs are being pulled out by the roots, but I think the next crop of hair then comes in -so I do have to use it much more often than every 8 weeks to keep my upper lip under control. The hair that grows in is soft, not stubbly feeling. My biggest tip for using this product is to blast the strip with your blow-drier for a few seconds to get it really warm (my hands tend to be very cold and won't warm the strips) and then use it immediately. Bigger pieces can be cut to the size you need BEFORE you warm them. My routine is to take a shower and then do the waxing since my face and hands are completely oil-free after the shower. It literally takes me 5 minutes, maybe just a touch more if I miss some hairs and have to tweeze them to finish the job. So much more convenient and inexpensive than going to the salon each week! And it is totally private. Highly recommended. Just be sure to have completely clean and dry skin and to warm the strips very well, and you won't be disappointed.
Honest reviews on Sally Hansen Wax Strip Kit Brow/Face/Bikni
I used these for years... at least 5 or 6 years of waxing my upper lip every 2 months or so. I have very fine hair that grows there that starts to become visible after 6-8 weeks of growth. THESE STRIPS WORK. don't get me wrong. You only have to use the strip once and it gets all the hair. I used the Azulene oil before and after just like it says, but now I suffer from melasma, where the skin on my upper lip is darker than the rest of the skin on my face. My dermatologist said this is due to the wax strips taking off the top layer of my skin over and over, until there was damage and the skin is excessively sensitive to sun. I have to stay out of the sun and use SPF 5000, or else I look like I have a permanent chocolate milk mustache. He gave me some recommendations for GENTLER wax strips that aren't so harsh. I would not recommend these in the long term as they damage your skin.
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I think this is a great product. I had been getting Brazillians professionally done over the summer and once it grew out again, I decided to give this kit a go. It worked sooo well, I was surprised! The only thing is that I have to get another kit to finish the rest but for 5.60 a pop thats not a problem. Beats $59.00 at the salon. Also, it was a bit sticky but the finishing oil included took it right off.

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